HOUSE OF PEACOCKS 2023 :: Completed


Join Robert & Meenakshi Moses for a Yoga Retreat amongst the magical mountains of Andalusia at “Casa de los Pavos Reales“ – “House of Peacocks“ – near to Guacin, a whitewashed village with wild views across the straits of Gibraltar to Morocco.

The “House of Peacocks“ is a place where peacocks display their feathers, cockerels crow, hens lay eggs, fantails flirt, turtle doves hum, dogs keep guard, love birds chatter, a cat purrs, and bees flourish on the nectar of datura. There are walks amongst almond, olive, carob and cork trees, and rivers and gorges for wild swimming. Enjoy sunsets on roof terraces and refresh yourself in the salt water pool and in the overgrown courtyard filled with the scent of orange blossom. Scroll down to see the beautiful picture gallery.

