Sukshma Vyayama Recorded Videos



The core of these hour and a half long classes is Sukshma Vyayama – subtle yoga practices. These practices have a strong effect on the subtle (sukshma sharira) body while also strengthening and toning the physical body (sthula sharira), thus encouraging and enhancing the flow of prana in our systems. Classes consist of preliminary steps of Sukshma Vyayama and important bandhas. Open to people that have a regular practice and a balanced lifestyle. These classes were recorded in January 2022.

The Sukshma Vyayama practices are an excellent foundation for the practice of Hatha Yoga and Pranayama. In Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā there are six kriyas and ten mudras. The mudras are a combination of pranayama kumbhakas with asanas and bandhas. The kriyas are purificatory practices.

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